In discussions with clients, I often come across domain names which are not a good choice for various reasons. Selecting your domain name is an extremely important task which shouldn’t be taken lightly. After all, it gives your potential site visitors and customers a first impression of sorts when they see the name. Like everything on the internet these days, you are competing with many others who are promoting their goods and services so make sure you do plenty of brainstorming before selecting your domain name.
Of course, this may take some time because often your first choice may not be available.
Here are 7 tips to help you select a great domain name:-
If you are an Australian business not looking to do business outside of Australia then a domain will be your best option. This is also likely to rank your site higher in search engine results for searches on Australian versions of search engines such as Google and Bing.
Many of the domain name search tools will also return domain name ideas which you may not have thought of.
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I am located in the Devonport/Latrobe area of North West Tasmania and help small business owners with their websites.
In this FREE strategy session, I’ll find out about your business, review any website and find out what you are looking for to determine whether we are a good fit for each other.
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