The importance of your unique selling proposition

How to Create a Strong USP For Your Business

Without a USP You are Just Another Face In the Crowd.

If you followed the tips I shared in my Don’t Overlook Your Buyer Persona blog post, you will have a clearly defined buyer persona and know who you are targeting.

Knowing what stands you apart from your competition is extremely important and many make the mistake of not considering this seriously. Unless you find yourself in the extremely unlikely position of operating in your own monopoly, you need a clear answer to the question…. “How will my product or service succeed where others have failed?”.

Your USP or unique selling proposition is your statement in answer to this question. Having a clear answer to this is crucial to your success so please give it plenty of consideration and don’t just gloss over it.  Yes, even if your products or services are the same as plenty of others, it does not mean you have no USP. You just need to get more creative in defining it!

In a nutshell, this is what sets you apart from your competition and you will be on track to come up with a great USP if you are able to combine your most powerful benefit with a strong, unique aspect of your business. Always keep in mind that it needs to answer the question… “Why should I buy from you?”

Creating Your Own USP

When considering your USP, it is important to:-

As you can see, there’s lots to consider and you can get very creative when defining your USP. Go through the process of what works best for your company and do as much fact finding and research as possible. A greater effort is going to yield better results for you going forward. Remember, you should be able to quote your USP word for word to your prospects at any time!

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