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I’m a big fan of video content because it’s the closest you can get to a true human to human interaction on the world wide web! It is such a great way to overcome those trust and credibility barriers.
Many of the emails I receive from the readers of my Ultimate Website Planning Checklist relate to how to make videos and ideas for videos. I provided a number of ideas and short videos in my 4 Easy, Engaging Video Content Ideas post but wanted to address the how to make videos question here.
Many of the people I speak with want to get started making their own videos but see too many barriers to entry. I try to lower their standards, or expectations a bit, explaining that you do not need to make something that Speilberg or Scorsese would be envious of! In fact, I believe that this can even be off-putting in some instances.
This is because I’ve always felt that social media is somewhat rebellious of what I would term “old world advertising”. Many of the most viral videos with millions or tens of millions of views are very simply made and involve little more than someone recording their own video content via their smartphone or webcam. I think they work well because it’s about interacting with “real people” instead of models and movie star types.
So you can get started with little more than your smartphone!
If you want to take it further then acquiring these sorts of items can get to be expensive:-
I was in this very position when I decided to start producing video content for my website clients about 2 years ago. I spent what felt like forever searching for something that:-
In short, I wanted complete freedom to do what I wanted!
The software that I finally selected and trialed, which I’ve been using for more than 2 years now, is an Australian product named Vidnami (previously known as ‘Content Samurai’ until June, 2020).
It is easy to use and you can have your first video ready in just minutes. All you need to do is enter a text script (the wording for your video) and Vidnami automatically produces a video ready to go with content, voice and background music all added.
You can of course select whether or not you want the application to choose any of these elements and if preferred, you can use your own video, photos/images, music and voice content. It’s that easy! You’ll get a feel from the sample videos included below what can be quickly and easily produced with minimal effort.
I put together the following video last year which provides a review of Vidnami. It is 14 1/2 minutes long so is in-depth and I strongly recommend checking it out if you are looking for tools to produce your own videos quickly and easily. You’ll also see a link during the video to an even more detailed walk through of Vidnami which is 23 minutes in length if you want to find out more.
Before you watch the video, I have a confession of sorts to make 😁. The folks at Vidnami are always busy adding new functionality and enhancements, so there have been quite a few since I made this video. I just want to highlight a couple for you since the video was made:-
For a very reasonable monthly fee, you have access to the full application and there is no plan hierarchy or premium features… Yes, you have access to everything.
I got started via Vidnami’s obligation free 14 day trial. This gives you unlimited access to the software and any videos you produce are yours to keep! You simply create a login and can get started and there is no need to give any credit card or Paypal details whatsoever.
Here are three examples of videos that I easily produced using Vidnami, promoting Facebook pages or websites.
Have you started producing videos yet for your business? Let me know via the comments below.
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I am located in the Devonport/Latrobe area of North West Tasmania and help small business owners with their websites.
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